5 Ideas to Challenge your Eating disorder

Tips to move towards eating disorder recovery today I probably don’t need to tell you: Challenging an eating disorder is really freaking hard! The people with EDs I support sometimes tell me that they feel overwhelmed and hopeless with how much they need to do to move towards recovery.  Let…

3 Signs Your Healthy Eating is a Problem

It’s possible to care TOO much about health and nutrition (really!). Healthy eating is celebrated by society, the media, our friends and family.  But is there a point where your healthy eating might actually become unhealthy?  It’s not a question that is talked about often, considering how much everybody from…

3 Reasons Calorie Counting doesn’t work

You’ve tried a weight loss diet with calorie counting, and it hasn’t worked. Whether it’s points, calories, or macros, numbers are everywhere in diet plans. They make it sound so very easy: calories in, calories out. You may be wondering why this simple equation has not worked for you yet….

From Perfectionism to Food Peace

People experiencing perfectionism understand the pressure that goes into having a ‘perfect façade’ and never making a single mistake, especially when it comes to food.  Unfortunately, perfectionism and disordered eating go together like fire and gasoline.   The pursuit of perfectionism can intensify self-criticism, heighten stress levels, and increase eating disorder…